What is the International Allelopathy Society or IAS?

About IAS


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Meetings and awards

Meetings of the International Allelopathy Society

News and collaborations

Since 2000, one newletter is written every year to present the news link to the Society

2024 IAS Congress - Save the date: 8-10 July

2024 IAS Congress will take place in Caserta Italy
IAS present several awards during each World Congress
Past IAS newsletters
Past IAS newsletters
Upload past IAS Newsletter from 2006
COST Action from UE is under construction in Europe to federate several group working on allelopathy

The International Allelopathy Society is an international research society with a keen interest in the field of allelopathy or allelochemical interactions among plants, microbes and other macrofauna in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The Society has been in existence for over 20 years and has a combined membership of over 1000 participants from over 50 countries.